In the world market of oil and gas currently is not the potential of "post-Soviet space." Volumes of oil and gas in these republics, as well as their reserves are earlier in the respective tables. Some features of the oil and gas industry in these regions are of particular interest.
Azerbaijan Oil and Gas
Production of oil and gas in this country is the state oil company. From the above, the amount of oil produced 2 million tons on land, the rest of the Caspian Sea. Republic has significant refinery capacity - about 20 million tons a year. Thus, the country to load plants must import crude oil or forward looking.
Azerbaijan is home to offshore oil production in the USSR. It was first used drilling and extraction of oil from the metal base. These operations are similar to the 1949 scope of work at sea requires its own special fleet - 318 ships of various types. In addition, in Baku focused engineering plants for the oil industry. They let the drilling rigs, pumping units, Christmas trees, etc. In the city of Sumgait (100 km from Baku) operates a large pipe factory, producing pipes for oil, drilling, tubing, etc. The company consists of a number of drilling, geological, geophysical and other organizations. The company currently operates only on land five thousand wells. They have low flow rates and high-maintenance.
This republic is working closely with the oil companies in the world (33 Tax from 14 states: "Conoco", "Amok" - the United States, "British Petroleum" - UK, "Lukoil", etc.).
A major problem is the problem for Azerbaijan's oil exports. Existing pipeline system through Novorossiisk and Georgia not provide the needs of the country. Therefore, an agreement was signed with the United States, Turkmenistan and Turkey on the construction of oil pipeline: Azerbaijan - Georgia - Turkish port of Ceyhan.
This project is very expensive, and it will be economically viable only if the pump on it 20 - 25 million tons of oil a year.
At present, the Republic established good business relations with Russia, which are backed by VV visit Putin in January 2001 can be expected to further the development of good neighborly relations.
Kazakhstan Oil and Gas
The main deposits operated by Republic: Tengiz, Mangyshlak Uzen and Emba.
Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan
The last 5 years the republic among the top ten oil and gas powers. Unlike neighboring Republic operates from its own funds, there are few foreign companies. This can be attributed to lack of interest of investors, as Uzbekistan, although it has great prospects, virtually cut off from the rest of the world. In the future, as the Russian gas pipeline construction to China and Japan, may be considered for connecting the republic to the pipe. The largest gas field is Gazley. The country has 3 refineries with a total capacity of about 11 million tonnes of oil per year, and 2 GPP with capacity of 48 billion m3.
Conducted in the country drilling and geophysical work can expect to use fields located on the bottom of the Aral Sea.
Oil and Gas Turkmenistan
The Republic has a serious prospect for oil and gas. So, for 2010 is projected to increase oil production to 48 million tons per year and 120 billion m3 of gas per year.
Republic intended for this purpose, not only to increase the volume of drilling operations, but also to apply modern methods of enhanced oil recovery (thermal methods, horizontal drilling, hydraulic jet perforation, etc.).
Republic also has close contacts with foreign companies ("Iran NK", a group of Japanese, Turkish, German firms).
Republic has four refineries processing volumes of about 8 million tons. By 2010, they are to be reconstructed and increase capacity to 15m. tonnes per year.
Turkmenistan also very much interested in building pipe pipeline. In addition, the country intends to take part in the construction of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline to Turkey, the Balkans and Western Europe. Republic maintains good relations with Russia and Ukraine. And the second is the main market for Turkmen gas.
Oil and gas to Ukraine
The bulk of oil carried in the west and east. In the west, an area cities Dragobycha, Borislav, Ivano-Frankivsk. In eastern Ukraine, mining and drilling carried out in the districts of Poltava and Chernihiv.
The oil industry is also represented a large republic in Sumy machine-building, city Dragobych, Kalush. These plants are manufactured with an electric pump, well-control equipment, machine tools - rocking, drilling equipment and tools. In the town of Nikopol and Zaporizhzhya has large pipe-factories which manufacture pipes of large and small diameters.
Foreign capital in the development of oil and gas in Ukraine is represented by small service firms.
Summarizing the prospects of oil and gas in the republics of Central Asia, it should be noted that now, due to changes in the geopolitical situation in Afghanistan, we study a new way out of oil and gas reserves of CIS countries to the Indian Ocean through the construction of pipelines through Pakistan. This output can be an alternative as compared to the Ceyhan project. However, this requires a special analysis of the new situation and evaluate the effectiveness of the new project.
In the oil and gas companies in the world are widely used modern management theory and practice. If we assess the current organizational form of Western oil companies, then they have identified four areas: corporate, corporations, associations, consortia. They determine a number of characteristics and traits.
Corporation - is a powerful large-scale oil and gas company, characterized by considerable diversity of production (drilling and exploration, oil and gas, maritime and land transport of oil and gas, the primary oil refining, petrochemical, industrial and civil construction, food production, etc.) . But the main feature of a corporation is that its activities are not limited to the territory of the country, and is distributed to a number of countries and continents. Among these structures are already mentioned earlier, American firms "Conoco", "Amoco", "Mobile", "Chevron", mixed Anglo-Dutch firm "Shell", the Russian company "Lukoil" and "Yukos".
Concern - is also a major diversified structure, but its main feature is that the production activities of the company is limited, as a rule, the territory of the country. An example of such an organizational structure, in its classical form, are German companies, already mentioned above, the "Ruhrgas", "AEG", "Mannesmann", the Italian company "Eni", the Russian company "Surgutneftegaz", "Sibneft".
The common unifying feature of these two forms is the maximum concentration of a number of administrative functions in the head office, the details mentioned above, in the section. The two forms are distinguished as such features as strict regulation functions, strong technological and financial discipline, strict adherence to the 'child' for firms of the parent company, etc.
Association - a structure that connects the activities of the group of enterprises in one industry to achieve industry-wide goals and objectives. The enterprises maintain their organizational independence and subordination of a head office, from the comfort of its composition. This form of organization characterized by a lack of hard links and uniform financial discipline for members. An example of such a structure may be the association of small businesses, the association of service companies, association of engineering companies, etc.
Consortium - a group of companies, possibly even different countries, unite their efforts and resources on certain period to address specific local problems, after the decision of the consortium which is lifted. At the time of solving the goals of the consortium are hard links, rather strict technological and financial discipline, absolute performance of members of the consortium to concentrate funds and resources. An example of this form can be consortia in Russia, which joined forces and resources on a temporary basis the Norwegian company "Norsk Hydro", the Italian company "Agip" American company "Amoco" and others. On the Russian side of the consortium consists of companies like "Gazprom", "Yukos", Tyumen Oil Company (TNK), etc.
In all the above cases, the western forms of management characterized by the following principles:
1. Define the vision and objectives of the company (10-15 years);
2. Creating a "team" (team managers at all levels);
3. Determination of short-term goals and objectives of the company;
4. Driving to all of the employees of prospective and current problems of the company and their role in solving these problems, and their interest in this;
5. Creating a firm effective personnel reserve for the nomination, with the prospect of promotion);
6. Create a system of incentives, moral and material development-oriented initiative and independence of each employee;
7. Creation of a centralized management system that provides for concentration of the main functions in the company's headquarters;
8. Specifies the style of the head according to the science of management (democratic, authoritarian or permissive style);
9. Organization of strategic planning in conjunction with the operational;
10. The forms of control over the activities of the company;
11. Defining the goals and direction of the markets (the study of the situation, taking into account changing it, work with competitors, the account of supply and demand, price fluctuations, etc.);
12. Activities of the service organization for public relations (creating and maintaining a proper image of the company by means of publications in print and other media, participation in exhibitions, art exhibitions, publication of brochures, advertising, and information sheets, etc.).
The use of these and other principles of management contributes to the effectiveness of Western firms and increase their credibility.
A characteristic feature of Western companies is the selection of candidates in the oil and gas companies executives. Now, in a market, the largest of the West led neftegazovyekompanii not technologists, geologists, mechanics, and experts of a profile, such as financiers, lawyers and economists. Such specificity stems from the requirements of the market. Currently at the forefront not only the technology of oil and gas as it issues its implementation, fees, finance, law, etc.
In addition, experts of a similar structure at the head of companies may be more inclined to deal with future problems than local. Also holds a position as the concentration of the basic functions of management in the parent company, with a corresponding transfer of production functions in the "daughter" of the structure of the company. It should be noted that these features have a place in the present and in the Russian practice of management. If in some of the largest companies in Russia are in charge of their engineers - oil V. Alekperov, Vladimir Bogdanov ("Surgutneftegas"), Bogdanchikov ("Rosneft"), most of the oil companies who currently heads the management and finances, such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky ("Yukos"), E. Shvidler ("Sibneft"), S. Kukes (TNCs). As is evident from the state of affairs, the leaders of a new type rather successfully cope with their functions.
Oil production on the largest oil companies, both private and public
In the world market of oil and gas currently is not the potential of "post-Soviet space." Volumes of oil and gas in these republics, as well as their reserves are earlier in the respective tables. Some features of the oil and gas industry in these regions are of particular interest.
Oil and Gas
Production of oil and gas in this country is the state oil company. From the above, the amount of oil produced 2 million tons on land, the rest of the Caspian Sea. Republic has significant refinery capacity - about 20 million tons a year. Thus, the country to load plants must import crude oil or forward looking.
Azerbaijan is home to offshore oil production in the USSR. It was first used drilling and extraction of oil from the metal base. These operations are similar to the 1949 scope of work at sea requires its own special fleet - 318 ships of various types. In addition, in Baku focused engineering plants for the oil industry. They let the drilling rigs, pumping units, Christmas trees, etc. In the city of Sumgait (100 km from Baku) operates a large pipe factory, producing pipes for oil, drilling, tubing, etc. The company consists of a number of drilling, geological, geophysical and other organizations. The company currently operates only on land five thousand wells. They have low flow rates and high-maintenance.
This republic is working closely with the oil companies in the world (33 Tax from 14 states: "Conoco", "Amok" - the United States, "British Petroleum" - UK, "Lukoil", etc.).
A major problem is the problem for Azerbaijan's oil exports. Existing pipeline system through Novorossiisk and Georgia not provide the needs of the country. Therefore, an agreement was signed with the United States, Turkmenistan and Turkey on the construction of oil pipeline: Azerbaijan - Georgia - Turkish port of Ceyhan.
This project is very expensive, and it will be economically viable only if the pump on it 20 - 25 million tons of oil a year.
At present, the Republic established good business relations with Russia, which are backed by VV visit Putin in January 2001 can be expected to further the development of good neighborly relations.
Kazakhstan Oil and Gas
The main deposits operated by Republic: Tengiz, Mangyshlak Uzen and Emba.
Oil production in the country, as well as the development of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy provide a decent standard of living. Here, the most high wages compared to other CIS republics. Thus, on average per month, it is $ 94, while in Russia - $ 81, Azerbaijan - $ 46, $ 42, Ukraine. Here, too, the local company "Kazahstanneftegaz" working closely with the same foreign firms. The company consists of seven oil associations, three refineries, two organizations of trunk pipelines, four geophysical organizations, two engineering plant. Kazakhstan also maintains good relations with Russia, using its experience. Republic is very interested in the eastern part of the Caspian Sea, while having differences with its neighbors (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan) on the division of spheres of influence. Kazakhstan also has serious problems with the export of its oil. Therefore, he is interested in building a future pipeline to Ceyhan. In anticipation of this project the Republic, together with Russia, built in late 2001, has introduced the Tengiz - Astrakhan - Novorossiysk.
Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan
The last 5 years the republic among the top ten oil and gas powers. Unlike neighboring Republic operates from its own funds, there are few foreign companies. This can be attributed to lack of interest of investors, as Uzbekistan, although it has great prospects, virtually cut off from the rest of the world. In the future, as the Russian gas pipeline construction to China and Japan, may be considered for connecting the republic to the pipe. The largest gas field is Gazley. The country has 3 refineries with a total capacity of about 11 million tonnes of oil per year, and 2 GPP with capacity of 48 billion m3.
Conducted in the country drilling and geophysical work can expect to use fields located on the bottom of the Aral Sea.
Oil and Gas Turkmenistan
The Republic has a serious prospect for oil and gas. So, for 2010 is projected to increase oil production to 48 million tons per year and 120 billion m3 of gas per year.
Republic intended for this purpose, not only to increase the volume of drilling operations, but also to apply modern methods of enhanced oil recovery (thermal methods, horizontal drilling, hydraulic jet perforation, etc.).
Republic also has close contacts with foreign companies ("Iran NK", a group of Japanese, Turkish, German firms).
Republic has four refineries processing volumes of about 8 million tons. By 2010, they are to be reconstructed and increase capacity to 15m. tonnes per year.
Turkmenistan also very much interested in building pipe pipeline. In addition, the country intends to take part in the construction of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline to Turkey, the Balkans and Western Europe. Republic maintains good relations with Russia and Ukraine. And the second is the main market for Turkmen gas.
Oil and gas to Ukraine
The bulk of oil carried in the west and east. In the west, an area cities Dragobycha, Borislav, Ivano-Frankivsk. In eastern Ukraine, mining and drilling carried out in the districts of Poltava and Chernihiv.
The oil industry is also represented a large republic in Sumy machine-building, city Dragobych, Kalush. These plants are manufactured with an electric pump, well-control equipment, machine tools - rocking, drilling equipment and tools. In the town of Nikopol and Zaporizhzhya has large pipe-factories which manufacture pipes of large and small diameters.
Foreign capital in the development of oil and gas in Ukraine is represented by small service firms.
Summarizing the prospects of oil and gas in the republics of Central Asia, it should be noted that now, due to changes in the geopolitical situation in Afghanistan, we study a new way out of oil and gas reserves of CIS countries to the Indian Ocean through the construction of pipelines through Pakistan. This output can be an alternative as compared to the Ceyhan project. However, this requires a special analysis of the new situation and evaluate the effectiveness of the new project.
In the oil and gas companies in the world are widely used modern management theory and practice. If we assess the current organizational form of Western oil companies, then they have identified four areas: corporate, corporations, associations, consortia. They determine a number of characteristics and traits.
Corporation - is a powerful large-scale oil and gas company, characterized by considerable diversity of production (drilling and exploration, oil and gas, maritime and land transport of oil and gas, the primary oil refining, petrochemical, industrial and civil construction, food production, etc.) . But the main feature of a corporation is that its activities are not limited to the territory of the country, and is distributed to a number of countries and continents. Among these structures are already mentioned earlier, American firms "Conoco", "Amoco", "Mobile", "Chevron", mixed Anglo-Dutch firm "Shell", the Russian company "Lukoil" and "Yukos".
Concern - is also a major diversified structure, but its main feature is that the production activities of the company is limited, as a rule, the territory of the country. An example of such an organizational structure, in its classical form, are German companies, already mentioned above, the "Ruhrgas", "AEG", "Mannesmann", the Italian company "Eni", the Russian company "Surgutneftegaz", "Sibneft".
The common unifying feature of these two forms is the maximum concentration of a number of administrative functions in the head office, the details mentioned above, in the section. The two forms are distinguished as such features as strict regulation functions, strong technological and financial discipline, strict adherence to the 'child' for firms of the parent company, etc.
Association - a structure that connects the activities of the group of enterprises in one industry to achieve industry-wide goals and objectives. The enterprises maintain their organizational independence and subordination of a head office, from the comfort of its composition. This form of organization characterized by a lack of hard links and uniform financial discipline for members. An example of such a structure may be the association of small businesses, the association of service companies, association of engineering companies, etc.
Consortium - a group of companies, possibly even different countries, unite their efforts and resources on certain period to address specific local problems, after the decision of the consortium which is lifted. At the time of solving the goals of the consortium are hard links, rather strict technological and financial discipline, absolute performance of members of the consortium to concentrate funds and resources. An example of this form can be consortia in Russia, which joined forces and resources on a temporary basis the Norwegian company "Norsk Hydro", the Italian company "Agip" American company "Amoco" and others. On the Russian side of the consortium consists of companies like "Gazprom", "Yukos", Tyumen Oil Company (TNK), etc.
In all the above cases, the western forms of management characterized by the following principles:
1. Define the vision and objectives of the company (10-15 years);
2. Creating a "team" (team managers at all levels);
3. Determination of short-term goals and objectives of the company;
4. Driving to all of the employees of prospective and current problems of the company and their role in solving these problems, and their interest in this;
5. Creating a firm effective personnel reserve for the nomination, with the prospect of promotion);
6. Create a system of incentives, moral and material development-oriented initiative and independence of each employee;
7. Creation of a centralized management system that provides for concentration of the main functions in the company's headquarters;
8. Specifies the style of the head according to the science of management (democratic, authoritarian or permissive style);
9. Organization of strategic planning in conjunction with the operational;
10. The forms of control over the activities of the company;
11. Defining the goals and direction of the markets (the study of the situation, taking into account changing it, work with competitors, the account of supply and demand, price fluctuations, etc.);
12. Activities of the service organization for public relations (creating and maintaining a proper image of the company by means of publications in print and other media, participation in exhibitions, art exhibitions, publication of brochures, advertising, and information sheets, etc.).
The use of these and other principles of management contributes to the effectiveness of Western firms and increase their credibility.
A characteristic feature of Western companies is the selection of candidates in the oil and gas companies executives. Now, in a market, the largest of the West led neftegazovyekompanii not technologists, geologists, mechanics, and experts of a profile, such as financiers, lawyers and economists. Such specificity stems from the requirements of the market. Currently at the forefront not only the technology of oil and gas as it issues its implementation, fees, finance, law, etc.
In addition, experts of a similar structure at the head of companies may be more inclined to deal with future problems than local. Also holds a position as the concentration of the basic functions of management in the parent company, with a corresponding transfer of production functions in the "daughter" of the structure of the company. It should be noted that these features have a place in the present and in the Russian practice of management. If in some of the largest companies in Russia are in charge of their engineers - oil V. Alekperov, Vladimir Bogdanov ("Surgutneftegas"), Bogdanchikov ("Rosneft"), most of the oil companies who currently heads the management and finances, such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky ("Yukos"), E. Shvidler ("Sibneft"), S. Kukes (TNCs). As is evident from the state of affairs, the leaders of a new type rather successfully cope with their functions.
Oil production on the largest oil companies, both private and public
Russia has traditionally been quite high in the world market of oil and gas powers in the world and, to some extent, determine their policy on natural gas production. Russia has the highest level of natural gas production.
For oil she overcame crisis and also has a place in the world. As mentioned above, if in 1996, Russia was on the 3rd place in terms of crude oil, then in 2001 she went to the 2nd place in the world (with a level of 348 tonnes of oil), ahead U.S. and second only to Saudi Arabia.
The oil industry of the Russian Federation (RF) experienced a very painful entry into the market. Transition to its own sources of funding together with rupture of economic relations and the later release of oil prices in Russia compared to other products could not affect.
All of this eventually led to a sharp reduction in drilling and exploration, respectively - to reduce oil, reduce the volume of oil-field arrangement, reduction of repair work, and this, in turn, led to a reduction in the existing wells and the increase in the number of accidents for oil and gas pipelines. As a result, the volume of oil production in Russia fell from 500 million tons 80 years to 300 million tonnes by 1998
In the period from 1998-2000. Russian oil industry has overcome the decline in oil production and stabilize its level within 300-348 million tons of oil a year. This is made possible through the following measures:
1) Create a strong, large oil companies.
2) Attracting investment from abroad.
3) Use of own capital investments due to high oil prices in 1999-2000.
4) The revival of the drilling and exploration companies from its own oil production and support of the Russian Tax Code.
Currently, the bulk (75%) of oil provides Western Siberia. Second in terms of oil production is the Ural-Volga region (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Perm, Samara, Saratov, Orenburg, etc.), small amounts of oil and provide shelf of the Baltic Sea of Okhotsk.
However, a major problem is to download the Russian refineries, which in its total capacity, the same 300 million tons a year, loaded only by 55-60% (annual Russia exports 130-140 million tons of oil). This is explained by the following reasons:
1) The physical and mental aging Russian refineries, low yield of oil with their low quality and high cost. In Western Europe, oil yield is 85-90%, Russia: Perm refinery - 70% Volgograd refinery - 65% Ukhta refinery - 41%.
2) The gap between the level of world oil prices and domestic prices in Russia (in Russia, 1100-1500 rubles. Per ton, the world 4000-5000 rubles per ton, with some fluctuations in individual years).
The main volume of crude oil exports go to Ireland, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine. Transportation of oil abroad, usually either through the "Druzhba", or by sea. Transportation by sea complicated by the presence of only two ports with neftenaliv (Tuapse and Novorossiysk). Russia forced to hire foreign ports: Roston (Germany) and Ventspils (Latvia).
The way out was found as the project BPS (Baltic Transport System). It includes the construction of a new line of Kharyaga - Center, partial reconstruction of a refinery in Kirishi, construction of a petroleum product pipeline and to the coast of the Gulf of Finland, and finally the construction of this terminal for loading of oil. This project began with the implementation and participation of Russian and foreign companies, the first phase was launched in December 2001 at the same time NK "Rosneft", which started a temporary filling oil tankers in the bay Varandey will organize here a stationary filling oil (up to 10 million tonnes . per year). The project "Northern Territories" in the final stages of development, it is being implemented in cooperation with the American company "Conoco".
At present Russia on the production of natural gas is the first in the world (590 - 595 billion m3 of 2.4 trillion. M3 of gas in the world). At present, the volume of natural gas is provided by the north of Western Siberia (more than 90% of the total).
The largest deposits of natural gas are here: Urengoy, Yamburg, Bear, Vyngapurskoe, Nadymskaya group of deposits, etc.
At present, these deposits entered the advanced stage of development and need to be replenished.
Entry into the market is also reflected on the state of the gas industry, but to a lesser extent than the oil. This can be explained by maintaining a single centralized management of the gas industry. Also, as a rule, the gas industry led a very strong leaders, high-level professionals: AK Kortunov, SA Orujov V.A.Dinkov, B.C. Chernomyrdin, RI Vyakhirev. Their merit is that they have shown the foresight to preserve a single industry and contributed to its high authority within Russia and abroad.
In addition to Western Siberia significant volumes of gas are produced in the Orenburg and Astrakhan regions. Some gas production provides the Komi Republic. Gas production in Vuktyl from 15-16 billion m3 per year at the beginning of operation decreased to -3.5 3 billion m3 per year at present.
Most associations OAO "Gazprom" is carried out either prey or gas trunkline. But some associations accumulate and production, and gas transportation (LLC "Severgazprom").
At present JSC "Gazprom" has tight foreign economic relations with a number of Western European countries. Has a long and reliable contacts with companies such as "Ruhrgas", "Mannesmann", "AEG" (Germany). These firms are the main consumers of Russian gas supply to Russia instead of tubes of different diameters, equipment for compressor and pump stations, electrical equipment, etc. In France, the main partner of Gazprom - the company "Gaz de France", which resells gas. In addition, Gazprom maintains close contact with the Italian company "ENI" and "Agip".
Relations with these countries, to some extent distorted by Ukraine, through which the transport of gas to Western Europe. As a way out, to be built by-pass pipeline through Belarus, Poland, and Slovakia.
In the future, further increasing the volume of natural gas associated with three Russian regions:
- The Yamal Peninsula (it placed a number of large fields:
Bovanenkovskoye, Zapolyarnoye, etc.);
- Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk region (here discovered a large Kovykta);
- Shelf of the Barents Sea (Shtokman).
Accordingly, these projects are identified and directions for the further distribution of the gas, including exports. In particular, the gas from the Yamal Peninsula to be used at home, as well as to increase gas supplies to Western Europe, Turkey, Bulgaria and other Balkan countries. Already, there is a realization of the "Blue Stream" gas pipeline facilities under the Black Sea from the town of Dzhubga to Turkey and beyond. This project is implemented by the Italian company "ENI" and a number of Turkish firms. Enter the pipe into service is expected in late 2002.
The second project deals with the prospects of gas exports - is the design decisions of the transcontinental gas pipeline facilities in Mongolia, China, Japan.
The third area is the future commissioning of the Shtokman field. Hence it is planned to build a new gas pipeline in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, etc. Two variants of construction of the gas pipeline:
- Mixed (including the land side by Finland and Sweden);
- Water (through the Gulf of Finland).
Implementation period of the project - 2010-2015.
The implementation of these three projects would require significant investment, both domestic and foreign. These projects show great interest in such large Western companies as "Conoco", "BP", "Amoco", "Shell".
Russia currently maintains good relations with the republics of the CIS, commences the transit of Turkmen and Uzbek gas to Western Europe. However, this problem is not solved completely, so pending ideas, projects, construction of a new gas pipeline Turkmenistan - Iran - Georgia - Turkey and beyond, bypassing Russia.
Russia currently reviewing policy on the use of Russian gas in the country. Given the availability of natural gas reserves in Russia on 60 - 70 years and coal for 500 - 600 years, the question of the maximum transfer of industrial plants to coal (mainly power plants) in order to save gas reserves (the world price of gas today is - 60 - $ 80 for 1 thousand cubic meters).
Such a policy resource to provide:
- Maximum use of coal resources and its use in power plants in Russia;
- Maximum economy of natural gas, at least until the arrival of new deposits;
- Gas savings justifies the potential to use it for chemical production, and to increase its exports.
Starting in the early 90s in Russia began to form oil kompaniivertikalno integrated oil companies - VICs). Vertical Oil Company is a process chain:
- Oil production;
- Refining;
- Sale of petroleum products.
In accordance with this part of the oil companies began to enter production units for oil refineries, territorial control of oil products.
Meaning of the creation of oil companies in Russia:
- The creation of a single technological chain;
- Creating conditions for the concentration of material, financial, human and other resources for its focus on key areas of production;
- Creation of conditions to minimize the export of crude oil to the corresponding increase in exports of petroleum products.
Creation of the first companies to have confirmed the effectiveness of this idea, with the exception of the third paragraph.
The first oil companies have been created on the basis of Siberian associations:
1. NK "Rosneft" has been created on the basis of three production units, "Langepasneftegas", "Uraineftegaz", "Kogalymneftegaz." The composition of this oil company also includes territorial control "Uraynefteprodukt", "Kogalymnefteprodukt" etc. Later in the oil company came refineries at Perm, Volgograd, Ukhta. Currently, this is the largest oil company in Russia and among the top ten in the world. Oil output in Russia - more than 70 million tons a year.
2. NC "Yukos". Formed on the basis of associations "Yuganskneftegaz", "Kuybyshevorgsintez." This statement came from "Samaranefteproduct."
3. "Surgutneftegas". It was established on the basis of the production association of the same name and a refinery in Kirishi. Production of oil, as well as the company "Yukos", close to 40 million tonnes a year.
Among other major oil companies are: Tyumen Oil, NC "Sibneft", "Tatneft". "Bashneft", "Rosneft", etc.
The practice of oil companies for 10 years, showed the effectiveness of large NC and unsustainability of small companies.
Features of the development of oil kompaneftyanyh kompaniyny at present are:
1. The structure of NC have voluntarily enter production associations of the European part of Russia ("Permneft", "Samaraneftegaz", "Saratovneftegaz").
2. The structure of NC came in large geological association ("Архангельскнефтегазгеология", "Eniseyneftegazgeologiya", "Obnefte-gazgeologiya").
3. A number of NC went abroad (eg, NK "Rosneft" is currently working in Egypt, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, USA, etc.).
4. A process of merger of the oil and banking capital. A number of banks in Russia first bought a small package, and then controlling shares some NC. This gave them the right to join the board of directors of the Tax Code, and then, in some cases, and to lead the company. For example, NC "Yukos" led by banker Mikhail Khodorkovsky, NC "Sibneft" - banker E. Shvidler, Tyumen Oil - financier S. Kukes, etc.
5. A number of Russian oil companies entered into agreements on cooperation with major foreign companies "British Petroleum", Amoco, Conoco, etc.
6. Conclude agreements on joint activities such major Russian companies as RAO "Gazprom" and NK "Rosneft", who intend to work together on land and offshore Timan-Pechora.
7. The process of absorption of small NC large accelerated ("Lukoil" absorbed "KomiTEK", "East" NC (Tomsk) absorbed NC "Yukos").
At present, according to the 1999-2000 year, the volume of oil production in the context of the Tax Code, are presented below.
The world economy is oil and gas resources
Currently the world's oil and gas resources is a priority in the development of the world, as have these resources, as well as those who need them. Oil and gas, regardless of the political upheavals and economic shocks on - still dominate the globe. In this light, it is very important and relevant systematize guidelines for the development, creation and use of these resources and, above all, the economic problems of these processes. Moreover, it is quite important to study and analyze the main terms of oil and gas resources of the world economy, such as the resource base, the current state and prospects of development, investment and production costs, the integration processes, financial management, personnel management, foreign economic relations, the formation and functioning of the practice of joint ventures etc.
Of the availability of research on the development of the individual terms of the formation of oil and gas resources of the world economy suggests the existence of significant gaps in this area. If the Russian economic science has many fundamental works on complex problems of cross-sectoral nature of the world economy, the world economy on oil and gas resources, except for some studies on its local problems, there is little systematic research. Therefore, university students have serious difficulties in studying this discipline.
To this end, the author examines the work experience of the largest oil and gas companies, in particular, good practice centralization of some functions (investment, financial flows, legal support, etc.) in the parent company. In connection with this activity is analyzed in these areas of major companies in the world, as "British Petroleum" (UK), "Ruhrgas", "Mannesmann" (Germany), etc.
In addition, the analysis of the operation of other major oil and gas companies, both private and national government. Given the role, authority, and the importance of Russia as a major oil powers of the world, many of the problems considered from the point of view of the joint integration, bringing together Russia and other countries.
In the period 2000-2001, the world is undergoing significant geopolitical changes that make some adjustments in the world economy of oil and gas resources. Formed qualitatively new economic relations between the countries of the world - the producers and consumers of oil and gas.
Today, oil and gas occupy a predominant place in the global energy market. Compared to coal and other energy sources oil and gas are not only economic value, but also affect the political relations, strategic development, and play a crucial role in the event of a military conflict.
As you know, oil and gas reserves in the world are unevenly distributed. A number of countries, particularly Arab countries have oil reserves of 100 years or more, gas for 200-300 years. In this case, if the oil in the Middle East is implemented in almost all over the globe, from the sale of gas in the region has problems. At the same time, industrialized countries such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, totally devoid of its own oil and gas reserves, while China, with relatively high oil, devoid of natural gas reserves. In particular, countries in southern Europe, southern Africa and South America are also deprived of its own oil and gas reserves.
Based on this, a whole in the world supply and demand almost balanced, but at the same time there are problems, particularly with gas provision in countries such as China and Japan. They have to deliver it in liquefied form. Countries such as Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, with large reserves of gas, but they do not have direct access to Western Europe. Such individual differences in the level of supply and demand require specific solutions. The correspondence between the supply and demand for exports of oil is regulated global organization OPEC, which sets annual quotas (the norm) for the export of crude oil, and is involved in the regulation of the level of world prices.
Now there were certain regularities in the formation of oil and gas markets. For example, in the European market the main suppliers of oil to the countries of Western Europe are Norway, the United Kingdom, the Arab East. The main suppliers of oil to the countries of the East Europe and the CIS countries is Russia. In Western Europe, Russia is represented only in Switzerland and Ireland. Oil market is the Western Hemisphere provide Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Brazil. Major oil suppliers in Africa are Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Angola. Asian oil market provide China, Iran, Indonesia, Australia.
Different correlation of forces was in the global gas market. The main supplier of natural gas to Western and Eastern Europe is Russia. She developed permanent partnerships with countries such as Germany, France and Italy. Russia, virtually dominates the European gas market. Part of its competitors in this market are the Netherlands and Norway. In the Western Hemisphere, the main gas suppliers are the United States and Canada. On the African continent, the main manufacturer and supplier of gas is Algeria. On the problems of the Asian gas market mentioned above. Most countries in the Asian continent provided the importation of liquefied natural gas by sea.
Currently in the world produced 3.35 billion tons of oil per year. In this world oil reserves are 140.9 billion tons in 2000 compared with 1999, the volume of oil production in the world increased by 4%, including by OPEC at 6%. The bulk of this increase was provided countries in the Middle East and Western Europe. The main countries of the world - are the oil producers: Saudi Arabia - 403.2 million tons, Russia - 317.5 million tons, the United States - 251.2 million tons It should be noted that in 1996, Russia was the third largest oil producer, behind the United States. The rate of growth of oil production in Russia continues to grow. In 2001, its level was 348 million tons Other countries - the largest producer of oil - can be attributed Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Norway, the UK, China, Nigeria. These countries differ not only the absolute amount of oil that exceeds the level of 100 million tonnes, but positive growth trend of most of these countries. The main regions that provide the maximum amount of oil production, are the Middle East (32%) and the Americas (25%). These regions provide steady growth.
As follows from the above data, the resource base of the oil industry of the world provides an average of the current level of oil production in 42 years. At the same time the situation in individual countries with oil reserves of more complex, that is, if the Arab countries are provided with oil for a period of over 100 years, some countries have a minimum level of resource security. For example, the U.S. supplied with oil for a period of only nine years, United Kingdom - 5 years, Norway for 8 years. Negligible also ensure their own oil reserves in other countries of the world (15-20 years). Meanwhile, the state of exploration and growth of oil reserves could be better. The greatest increase in oil reserves is noted only in countries such as Qatar (3.6 times), Argentina (112%), Brazil (110%). In general, the increase in oil reserves 1999-2000. was minimal and amounted to only 1.5 billion tons. (Or 1%), which can hardly be considered positive
Oil is found together with gaseous at depths of tens of meters to 5-6 km. However, at depths greater than 4.5-5 km dominated by gas and gas condensate reservoirs with a minor amount of light fractions. The maximum number of oil deposits located at a depth of 1-3 km. At shallow depths and natural outcrops on surface oil is converted into a thick Malta, semisolid asphalt and other education - such as tar sands and bitumen.
Chemical composition and origin of oil is close to natural gas fuel, ozokerite and asphalt. These resources are collectively called petrolytes. Petrolytes referred to even larger group of so-called caustobioliths - combustible biogenic minerals, which also includes solid fossil fuel
Oil - the result lithogenesis. It is a liquid (basically) a hydrophobic phase products fossilization (disposal) of organic matter (kerogen) in the water-sediment.
Oil formation - the step-wise, very long (typically 50-350 Ma) process, starting back in the living matter. Highlighted a number of stages:
Sedimentation - in which the remains of living organisms fall to the bottom of the basins;
Biochemical - compaction process, dehydration and biochemical processes with limited access to oxygen;
protokatagenez - lower layer of organic residues to a depth of 1.5-2 km, with a slow rise in temperature and pressure;
mezokatagenez or main phase of oil generation (GFN) - lower layer of organic residues to a depth of 3-4 km, with the rise in temperature to 150 ° C. In this case, the organic substances undergo catalytic thermal decomposition, resulting in formation of bituminous substances that make up the bulk of mikronefti. Further there is a distillation of the oil due to the pressure difference and stem emigration mikronefti in sand reservoirs, and on them in the trap;
apokatagenez kerogen or main phase of gas generation (GFG) - lower layer of organic residues to a depth of 4.5 km, with the rise in temperature to 180-250 ° C. In this organic matter becomes neftegeneriruyuschy metanogeneriruyuschy potential and realize potential.
IM Gubkin also singled stage destruction of oil mestozarozhdeny.
Strong evidence of the biogenic nature of the parent substance of oil were obtained from a detailed study of the evolution of the molecular composition of hydrocarbons and their biochemical precursors (progenitors) in the source organisms, organic matter and sediments and rocks in various oil from reservoirs. Important was the discovery of oil in the hemofossily - a very unique and often complex molecular designs clearly biogenic nature, that is inherited (in whole or in fragments) of organic matter. Study of the distribution of stable isotopes of carbon (12C, 13C) in the oil, organic matter of rocks and organisms (Vinogradov, EM Galimov) also confirmed ineligibility inorganic hypotheses.
However, in the present, some scientists (mainly in Russia) advocate inorganic hypothesis of the origin of oil. In particular, it is argued that the newly formed in ancient times by organic oil is constantly added oil, which is formed by inorganic. If this is true, it means almost inexhaustible reserves of oil
Oil - the liquid from light brown (almost colorless) to dark brown (almost black) color (even though there are examples of emerald-green oil). The average molecular weight of 220-300 g / mol (rare 450-470). Density 0,65-1,05 (0,82-0,95 usually) g / cm ³; oil whose density is lower than 0.83, is called light, 0,831-0,860 - average above .860 - heavy weight oil, like other hydrocarbons, is strongly dependent on temperature and pressure . It contains a large number of different organic substances and therefore not characterized by a boiling point, and the initial boiling point of liquid hydrocarbons (typically> 28 ° C, at least ≥ 100 ° C in the case of heavy oils) and fractional composition - Out separate fractions, distilled first at atmospheric pressure and then under vacuum in certain temperature range, usually up to 450-500 ° C (boiling over ~ 80% of the sample), at least 560-580 ° C (90-95%). The crystallization temperature of -60 to + 30 ° C; depends primarily on the content of petroleum wax (what it is, the higher the crystallization temperature) and light fractions (the more, the lower the temperature.) Viscosity varies widely (from 1.98 to 265.90 mm ² / s for various oil produced in Russia), determined the fractional composition of oil and its temperature (the higher and higher the number of light ends, the lower the viscosity), and content of resin-asphaltene substances (the more, the viscosity of the above). Specific heat capacity of 1.7-2.1 kJ / (kg ∙ K), specific heat (low) 43,7-46,2 MJ / kg, the dielectric constant of 2.0-2.5, the electric conductivity of the [specific] from 2 ∙ 10-10 to 0,3 ∙ 10-18 ohm-1 ∙ cm-1.
Oil - a flammable liquid, the flash point of - 35 [10] to +121 ° C (depending on the fractional composition and its content of dissolved gases). Oil soluble in organic solvents, in normal circumstances, is insoluble in water, but it can form stable emulsions. The technology to separate oil from water and dissolved salts conduct dehydration and desalting.
Enclosing rocks of oil have relatively high porosity and sufficient to eject permeability. Breed, allowing free movement and accumulation in these fluids are called collectors. Porosity depends on all sorted grains, their shape and styling, as well as on the presence of cement. Permeability determined by the size of pores and their communicability. The most important oil reservoirs are sands, sandstones, conglomerates, dolomite, limestone, and other well-permeable rocks, prisoners of impermeable rocks such as clay or plaster. Under favorable conditions, the collectors may be fractured metamorphic and igneous rocks that are in the vicinity of the oil-bearing sedimentary rocks.
Different types of oil reserves in the hydraulically open (1-3) and closed (4-6) traps: 1 - arched reservoir oil and gas and oil deposits, 2 - massive arched gas and oil reservoir, 3 - oil deposit in the ledge paleorelief, primary (eg reef) or secondary (erosion) 4 - oil reservoir, shielded stratigraphic unconformity, 5 - oil deposit in the trap of the primary (facies, lithology) pinching the reservoir 6 - tectonically screened accumulation of oil, and - oil, b - gas, in - the water .
Often the oil reservoir is only part of the reservoir and therefore, depending on the nature and degree of cementation porosity rocks (reservoir heterogeneity) found varying degrees of oil saturation in some segments within the reservoir itself. Sometimes this is due to the presence of the cause of non-productive areas of the reservoir. Usually oil deposits accompanied with water, which limits the accumulation downdip layers or along its base. In addition, each oil reserves with it is so-called. film or residual water enveloping the rock particles (sand) and the pore walls. In the case of reservoir rock pinching or cutting his faults, thrusts and t n disjunctive dislocations can deposit either in whole or in part beyond low permeable rocks. In the upper parts of the oil column is sometimes concentrated gas (so-called. "Gas cap"). Well production rate, in addition to the physical properties of the reservoir, its capacity and saturation, determined by the pressure of the dissolved gas in oil and boundary waters. In oil wells can not entirely remove all the oil from the reservoir, a significant amount of it remains in the depths of the earth's crust (see oil recovery and oil production). For a more complete extraction of oil using special techniques, of which the importance is the method of flooding (aquifer, vnutrikonturnogo, focal). Oil in the reservoir is under pressure (elastic expansion and / or the edge of the water and / or gas, as well as dissolved gas cap) so that the opening of the reservoir, especially the first well, accompanied by the risk gazonefteproyavleny (very rare Fountains discharges of oil). Very long time (from the 2nd half of the XIX century.) Geologists believe that the oil fields are timed almost exclusively to the saddle, and only in 1911, IM Gubkin was opened in Maikop's a new type of deposit, marking the alluvial sands and received the name "sleeve-."
Directly crude oil is almost never used (crude oil, along with Nerozin used to peskozaschity - fixing sand dunes by the wind blowing in the construction of power lines and pipelines). To get out of it technically valuable products, mainly motor fuels, solvents, raw materials for the chemical industry, it is processed. Oil is a leader in the global energy balance: its share in total energy consumption is 48%. In the future, this share will decrease [citation 73 days] due to increasing use of nuclear and other types of energy as well as increasing the cost and reducing production.
Loading of oil tanker
Pipeline in Portugal
With the rapid development of the world's petroleum and petrochemical industries, the demand for oil increases, not only to increase the production of fuels and oils, but also as a source of valuable raw materials for the production of synthetic rubber and fibers, plastics, surfactants, detergents, plasticizers, additives, dyes, etc. (more than 8% of world production). Of oil obtained from the starting materials for these industries have found the greatest application: paraffin hydrocarbons - methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, as well as high (10-20 carbon atoms in the molecule), naphthenic, aromatic hydrocarbons - benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, olefin and diolefin - ethylene, propylene, butadiene, acetylene. Oil is unique combination of qualities: high energy density (thirty percent higher than that of the highest quality coal), oil is easy to transport (compared to gas or coal, for example), and finally from the oil easily get a lot of the above mentioned products. The depletion of oil resources, prices for it and other reasons caused the intensive search substitutes liquid fuels.
The modern technology of production, treatment, transportation and processing of oil and gas, despite the progress of scientific and technological level, continues to have a set of unfavorable factors. The main ones are hard physical labor, the presence of vibration and noise, toxic gases and vapors in the air of the working area, the adverse weather conditions.
Manual labor, combined with cooling, vibration, traumatization of the arms while working on the rigs for a significant spread of occupational diseases of the peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Among drillers, motorman and working complex gas (GPP) and refineries awarded a higher rate of hearing loss.
For toxic gases and vapors in the working area at refineries in recent years have significantly reduced rates that exceed their Macs have become rare. However, oil drilling and oil the air of the working area is still contaminated components of oil and gas (methane, ethane, propane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen), diesel exhaust. In hot climates, the evaporation of harmful substances increases. As in the North and mortar pumps systems are placed in covered boxes, hydrocarbons and other harmful gases in these conditions can be up to 20 times the maximum permissible concentration.
Widespread cluster drilling causes increased risk of open flowing wells and watering working with crude oil. Specific adverse factor for GPP scheme with glycolic drying air pollution is the working area diethylene glycol. Refineries (refinery) is not eliminated entirely gas-diffuse pollution of air units and the total area of the plant complex toxic substances consisting of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide, vapors of fatty acids, phenols, aromatic hydrocarbons, possible admixture benzpyrene.
Gas emission sources are usually the various leaks, valves tanks, emergency valves, tube furnaces burning gas flame. Not completely eliminated the risk of an emergency, and therefore does not prevent the occurrence of acute poisoning, mainly hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide. At increased concentrations may develop chronic intoxication. Important from the standpoint of science and hygienic sanitary practices is the fact that the balance of crude oil and gas in our country increased sulfur (56.2%), mnogosernistye (13%) of crude oil containing free hydrogen sulfide.
Oil, its vapors, gases and by-products are highly toxic substances, mainly affects the nervous system, have skin-resorptive effects. Enter the body primarily through the respiratory tract, skin. Individual deposits of oil, many oil products and, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have more or less carcinogenic activity. The clinical picture of poisoning depends on the nature of income concentration and the quality of the oil.
Crude oil is a mixture of organic compounds consisting (up to 88%) of hydrocarbons, methane, naphthenic and aromatic substances as sulfur, nitrogen, sulfur organic compounds and mineral impurities. The final products of oil and gas are different gasolines rich in unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, lubricating oils, waxes, bitumen, petroleum coke.
Gasolines - a mixture of methane, naphthenic and aromatic unsaturated hydrocarbons - are clear, colorless or yellowish, flammable liquid with a characteristic odor. Gasolines have significant volatility, easily turn into a vapor state, boil at 40-250 ° C. Maximum allowable concentration of 300 mg/m3 solvent gasoline, gasoline fuel 100 mg/m3. Toxicity of gasoline varies depending on the nature of oil, the nature of its processing, from its constituent hydrocarbons, atmospheric pressure and temperature. Gasolines have a narcotic effect, causing irritation of the mucous membranes, which also leads to occupational diseases oilmen.
Pathogenesis. The mechanism of action of oil and oil products on the organism studied many local sponsors. Known neurotropic, drug reactions. Shows the inhibitory effect of hydrocarbons on the M-holinoreaktivnyh systems: a significant reduction in the activity of redox processes, impaired tissue respiration. Hydrocarbons depress cardiac function, reduce the protein-forming and the antitoxic function of the liver, the secretory function of the digestive system, violate the function of the adrenal cortex, thyroid and ovaries. With chronic exposure to petroleum products, a change in the immunobiological reactivity and hematopoiesis.
With chronic exposure to crude oil and its products are observed functional disorders of the central nervous system in the form astenovegetativnogo syndrome with bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, paresthesia in the extremities, pain sensitivity disorder polinevriticheskomu type. Cardiovascular toxicity syndrome consists of dystonia and myocardial dystrophy. Characterized by degenerative changes in the skin: dryness, hyperkeratosis, education, age spots, follicles. Mining and refining of the greatest practical importance are professional intoxication gasoline mnogosernistoy oil, hydrogen sulfide.
Clinic of acute poisoning with petrol. Taken to distinguish between three levels of acute poisoning: mild, moderate and severe. Acute poisoning mild to develop contact with gasoline vapor concentrations many times greater than the MPC. In the first 1-3 hours headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, palpitations, general tremors, a feeling of pressure in the heart, dry mouth, and sometimes vomiting. Characterized by the sudden development of the state, similar to intoxication with isteropodobnymi reactions, crying. Subsequently, the general excitement turns to drowsiness, lethargy. Patients report an unpleasant sensation in the throat, and sometimes cough, pain in the eyes. The first signs of acute poisoning gasoline vapors are vagotonic reaction - low body temperature and blood pressure, slow pulse. Can be determined by muted tones of the heart. This state has bystroobratimy character and completely through 3-4 days, leaving no impact. Only in those prone to neurotic reactions, possible prolonged neurotic disorders.
If poisoning moderate all of the above symptoms are more pronounced and persistent. Can be repeated fainting, small fibrillar twitching limbs. After moderate poisoning often formed psychoautonomic and asthenic syndromes.
By inhalation of high concentrations (5000-10000 mg/m3) gasoline vapor severe symptoms of poisoning appear within a few minutes. Quickly arise headache, dizziness, unsteady gait, agitation, delirium, quickly replaced by the last state oppression. Observed seizures and tonic clonic nature, dilated pupils, their reaction to light is missing. Thready pulse, breathing shallow, rare. Tendon reflexes are depressed or absent, brady-or tachycardia, rapid fluctuations in blood pressure, often - hypotonia. Body temperature increased to 40 ° C. May develop toxic hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis, gasoline pneumonia. Severe acute poisoning gasoline often fatal. After serious acute poisoning gasoline described encephalopathy (epileptiform and schizophreniform syndromes). Very high concentrations of gasoline can cause instant death.
Persons suffering from diseases of the nervous system, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, tuberculosis, and pregnant women are more sensitive to gasoline. Petrol pneumonia typically occur when swallowed and aspiration of gasoline. Characterized by a sharp suffocating cough, sometimes there is blood in the sputum. Because of the gasoline into the stomach, at the same time patients notice a sharp pain in the stomach. Resorption due to gasoline in a few hours the symptoms of systemic toxicity develop character: dizziness, nausea, feeling of intoxication, and others.
After 3-6 hours developing pleuropneumonia, there is pain in the chest, usually on the right, shortness of breath, coughing, headache, chills, accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38-40 ° C. 1-2 days begins to separate rusty sputum, shortness of breath increases (up to 50-60 per minute). Marked cyanosis of the lips, deadened sound over the affected areas of the lung, bronchial breathing becomes, or listened krepitiruyuschie fine moist rales, sometimes pleural friction rub. Blood pressure is normal, pulse speeded (100-120 or more per minute). Language dryish, coated with white bloom, some patients determined by pain in the epigastric region and in the liver. The blood on the 2-3rd day revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift, lymphopenia, accelerated ESR. The urine determined traces of protein and single erythrocytes. In sputum may be alveolar epithelial cells from 2 to 20, leukocytes 10-12, sometimes up to 20 in the field of view, in some patients - red cells, various microorganisms in small quantities.
Radiographically after 1-2 hours after intoxication revealed infiltrative blackout (pneumonic focus), localized in the middle and lower lobes of the right lung more often. Focus blackout, usually has an average intensity, the vague outlines and takes 1-2 segment. In the right lateral position the shadow of the form homogeneous triangle, connected to the root apex, and the base adjacent to the diaphragm. On the 2-3rd day blackout becomes more intense, the formation of additional small focal areas of pneumonia, bronchiolitis.
In most cases, a relatively favorable course of pneumonia. Clinical recovery occurs at the 8-day 10, but the X-ray picture is normalized only in the 18-25th day. In severe cases, there may be complications in the form of pleural effusion, lung abscess, pulmonary hemorrhage, severe bilateral pneumonia deaths. At the heart of the gasoline pneumonia is atelectasis of the right lung middle lobe bronchi due to the closure of the sharp inflammatory swelling of the bronchial mucosa of gasoline. Not excluded, in addition, the possibility of active bronchospasm and bronchial mucosal burns with subsequent swelling, development of atelectasis and pneumonia. After contact with gasoline in the stomach poisoning occurs by type of acute gastroenterocolitis, drunkenness, and other manifestations of systemic toxicity.
Chronic poisoning gasoline appears functional disorders of the nervous system. Nonspecific nature of the disease makes it difficult to timely diagnosis. Patients complain of dizziness, headache, pain in the heart, insomnia, irritability, easy fatigability, weight loss, paresthesias in the limbs, cramps in the calf muscles. Thus identifies functional disorders of the nervous system with a predominance of neurotic or astenovegetativnogo syndrome. In cases of severe forms of intoxication described the development of toxic encephalopathy with diencephalic crises, with the sensitive vegetative polyneuritis. The severity of neurological manifestations depend on the severity of intoxication gasoline from associated diseases. Neurotic disorder characterized by changing the state of excitement and fatigue, often observed hysterical or depressive reactions. Described conjunctivitis, chronic catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Marked reduction of smell up to anosmia. Described expressed mild dyspepsia, abnormal liver function. In the blood indicated moderate hypochromic anemia, leukopenia with relative lymphocytosis, accelerated ESR. Women have often been a violation of menstruation.
Intoxication mnogosernistoy oil in the production process and is perarabotki polymorphic nature, has its own characteristics. Functional disorders of the nervous system occur with severe asthenic conditions (fatigue, tiredness, depression, forgetfulness, confusion). In some cases, during fatigue occurs slabodushie, unmotivated feeling of depression is formed hypochondriacal condition. In severe cases of intoxication signs of organic lesion of the central nervous system: visual field loss, paresis of convergence, reduced corneal reflex innervation of the facial asymmetry, the hypoglossal nerve, impaired sense of smell. Described opto-vestibular and cerebellar disorders (nystagmus, asymmetrical tremor of the fingers, intentional tremor). There has been increased and the asymmetry of tendon reflexes, and symptoms of oral automatism, impaired sensitivity. Cardiovascular syndrome of intoxication manifested vascular dystonia and degenerative changes in the myocardium, the latter may be caused by the direct impact of sulfur, oil on the myocardium, and violation of neurohumoral regulation of metabolism in heart muscle. Markedly reduced secretory function of the digestive glands, impaired motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, the functional capacity of the liver and pancreas. Initially inhibited antitoxic function of the liver, and later suffer the synthesis of the protein fractions, increases in indirect bilirubin, and lipoproteins.
Changes in the blood characterized by the development of leukopenia with a relative lymphocytosis. In the early stages of intoxication reduced functional properties of white blood cells (decrease in glycogen content in neutrophils and peroxidase activity, changes in lipid content and osmotic resistance of leukocytes). Described hypochromic anemia, anisocytosis, reducing the iron content in the blood serum.
In-depth study of patients with chronic intoxication mnogosernistoy oil processing products revealed changes in many organs and systems. Marked subatrophic and atrophic processes in the upper respiratory tract, disorders of hemo-and hydrodynamic processes in the organ of vision, reduced filtration capacity of the kidneys, a disorder of fluid and electrolyte metabolism, decreased functional activity of the adrenal cortex and the thyroid gland.