The first forecast that world oil reserves are about to run out, more than 130 years. It did in 1875, an American geologist John Newberry. Since then, these predictions appear punctually and with enviable regularity is not true. Scientists believe: inaccurate forecasts due to the imperfection of modern techniques of evaluation of mineral resources. Our same author (Alexander Polyuh) is sure: the matter is quite different - that the oil - the notion of climate.
There ability to make some oil paradoxes Earth. Recently, a group of scientists from the Institute of Oil and Gas Academy of Sciences (RAS IPNG) under doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences Azaria Barenbaum unveiled a new concept of the origin of oil and gas. According to this theory, large deposits of hydrocarbons is possible there are not millions of years, as was previously thought, but only for a decade.
Russian experts have noted that there seems to be an inexplicable increase in stocks to the long-operated oil and gas fields in the regions with high consumption of hydrocarbons. Among these areas are called Tatarstan and Chechnya in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Texas and Oklahoma in the United States and Mexico. Barenbaum concept assumes that oil and gas - a process not so much geological as climatic, related to the water cycle and the carbon on the planet. The mechanism of this cycle of something like this. During the burning of oil and carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in the form of the dioxide. Then he soaks meteogennymi waters and along with precipitation falls back to the ground. Together with water carbon (mainly in the form bicarbonate) in the earth's crust is reduced to hydrocarbons, of which in geological structures traps newly formed oil and gas reserves.
Conclusions specialists IPNG been experimentally confirmed during exploratory drilling in the South-East side of the Moscow syncline (deflection crust, filled with sediment).
According to Russian scientists and 90% of oil and gas reservoirs at depths of 1 to 10 km come under the concept of Barenbaum and only 10% are formed from organic matter, as they should have accepted the theory, the author of which was a Soviet scientist, Academician Gubkin.
But one of the most important conclusions reached by the Russian scientists and geologists is that, through active participation in the formation of oil and gas climatic cycle, replenishment deposits of fossil hydrocarbons are not hundreds of thousands or millions of years, and only a few decades . This implies that even quite active in oil and gas should not greatly affect the potential oil and gas region. But this is true only if the extracted hydrocarbons are consumed within the same hydro-pool, where their production was conducted. Or to replenish must be other large sources of emissions of carbon dioxide - such as from the burning of coal. In other words, the oil exporting countries of the Arab countries eventually bail out its oil and gas wealth. But Russia, with the restoration of its industrial might and accelerated industrial development of oil and gas regions, has a chance to save their resources.
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