Camp number 9 Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger (MEND) is in the depth of mangrove forests, and his mistake can be taken for a quiet fishing village, if not machine guns and huge bull, confiscate phones from reporters. The camp someone wanders in worn camouflage clothing with Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled grenades, someone looks old television. During this period, a formal cease-fire oil pirates fun arranging together boxing matches or drinking beer.
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Militia, under Atek Tom - the leader of "oil pirates" of MEND - swimming in camp number 9 - one of 11 camps under the guidance of the leader in the mangrove forests of the Niger River.

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Atek Tom - leader of MEND - like being at hand, and even guests call him "Daddy." Atek main goal - to fight for the rights of the inhabitants of the Niger Delta.
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A gold chain around his neck leader of MEND Atek Tom.

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In Okugayu local population is very poor, despite the fact that this area is oil. Villagers want financial compensation from the oil industry. They have no electricity, water, roads. In addition, they can no longer fish because oil leaked into the river and destroyed the ecosystem.

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The local village regards motion MEND «just a bunch of thieves who hide behind a noble goal, but really want to fill the pockets." This opinion is shared by the other villagers. The level of security in the country fell from militancy, but positive changes to no avail.

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Since 2006, members of MEND kidnapped foreign workers in the oil fields. However, no proposals or decisions of a group of fighters and not nominated. Residents of nearby villages said that it is gradually turning into a civil war in which neither side can come to the problem because he did not know it.

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Oil companies have reduced the number of foreign workers to a minimum and started to look for more peaceful methods of oil on the beach. However, MEND militants movement is apparently not satisfied.

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Militants operating under the Atek Tom - the leader of MEND - go to the camp № 9 - one of 11 camps owned Atek Tom in the mangrove forests of the Niger River.

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Residents of nearby villages said that the fighters simply can not, or rather, do not want to find a solution.

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At the disposal of the militants - a cache of weapons, including machine guns and grenade launchers.

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Pet monkey sitting on the arm of one of the members of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger River.

Monkey on his shoulder militant movement MEND.

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One of the militants, working under the leadership of Tom Atek, is sent to camp number 9.
Atek Tom - leader of MEND - likes to be called "Daddy."
Activists for the Emancipation of the Niger, who prefer to settle matters with fire.
Residents of nearby villages consider their actions justified and base.
One of MEND militants trained in a camp number 9.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger River. According to their leader Atek Tom, they are fighting "for what rightfully belongs to them."
Fighters of MEND leader under Atek Tom go to the camp № 9 - one of 11 camps ruled by Atek Tom.
King Chukumela Nnam Obi IL disapproves oil companies (including the "Total", "Shell" and "Agip"), which pollute his tenure oil, without paying compensation to the people.
In the Niger Delta is difficult to find fuel. Most gas stations are closed, and people have a few hours to stand in line to fill the car.
In the bay Bolo villagers illegally pumping oil from the wells of «Shell» and sell it on the black market. In the bay you can find about 30-40 illegal refineries.
The presence nearby of MEND militants deters police and army, and the people are free to refine oil. Barrels of refined oil sold on the black market, often - to foreign courts.
Villagers told reporters that this work brings them to about 1,500 euros a day, which may be the real state of the country, where 70% of the population lives on the brink of poverty.
A man named Sokhi is committed to driving the local small firms with potential clients, they are looking for in bars or on the internet. He says it makes him "a few thousand dollars a month."
"Filling" - practiced technique of oil production in the region. The villagers simply draining oil from oil wells or wells in small boats.
Behind all this is followed powerful armed groups, which pay as militants MEND, and soldiers from the Joint Task Force, to protect themselves.
For example, in a small village Opokmalela 50 km from Port Harcourt, about 30 people "chosen" oil well company «Shell» in mangrove forests. Day and night, they bare to the waist dig in the dirt to extract oil, which they then sell to foreign buyers at the price of 3 euros per barrel.
In Bolo local people struggling to company «Shell» left their territory. They are tired of oil spills in rivers and other contaminants.
After years of struggle «Shell» left the territory, and now the villagers illegally use of wells for oil, which they then sell on the black market.
A young man passes the barrel of crude oil to the illegal "backyard" plant.
On the territory of the bay you can find 30-40 illegal refineries. Residents sell refined oil on the black market.
An oil tanker sails past the crashed ship in the Niger Delta.
In shouts refinery emits so much waste that submerged lands are contaminated and can not be used. This well once clean water is now flooded with oil.
Local resident collects oil in order to sell it on the black market.
The villages on the banks of the Niger Delta have become stinking dump in ruins. Residents are trying to survive in subhuman conditions - without electricity and water.
The pipeline runs right through the village Okrikans. Old pipes sometimes leak or explode. As a result of one incident two months ago, local home just burned down.
State oil refinery shout pollute nearby villages, processing oil for major companies such as «Shell», «Total», «Elf» and others. In theory, the plant should be at least 3 km from the village, but it is much closer.
Despite all the money is the oil industry, Port Harcourt was still in ruins. In this photo you can see the main railway station.
 Residents complain that no one bothered to even repair the damage caused by refinery environment and health of people living in nearby villages.

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